Monday, February 1, 2021

Be Water; Cleanse

Be Water; Cleanse

For as long as I can remember, the majority of people I came in contact with have used my easy going nature to try and mold me into what they wanted me to be.
It’s normal I guess - Water takes the shape of the container it is put in.

And I’ve been so naive as to think there may be something to learn from them and so I gave into their manipulation.

What these people have failed to take into account though is that Water is not vengeful but, through patience and resilience, it will exert its power and, eventually, will find a way to shape its own path, whether by carving it in the hardest rock or even by breaking through the dams.
I hereby stand, today, to let these people (and others like them) know that it is time for Me to exert my own power, my inner strength and forge my own path, despite their projections, deflections, devaluations or pretences. And why Today?
Well, because it’s the 1st of February.
February - named after the Latin term februum, which means "purification". In the Roman times, this was done through the Februa (purification) ritual which was held on February the 15th (full moon) of the old lunar Roman calendar.
And so today I am setting and stating my intention for this upcoming "event".

I am, at last, giving into and, in fact, fully embracing my true Watery nature :)