Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Remember ME?

Remember ME?

Through all the thoughts that I’ve set loose
In the Universe above and beneath me
I dare You now: seek and find the Truth!
Then look behind the iris of my eyes and see…

See the Water spring from the tops of the Mountains,
Feel the Air coming down from the sky in the form of a Wind,
See the Fire spread by the Sun down on the plains,
Feel the Earth under Your feet, feel it like You would be blind,

Smell the Flowers of the Cherry tree at Your right,
Stretch out until You reach and feel the Horizon,
Close Your eyes and imagine you’re lighting up the Night
Like right now there would be no more a full Moon,

Silence your tender sweet Voice from my head,
Touch my Soul like you did oh so many lives before,
And listen carefully to the Signs from your inner self.
Then tell me: Do YOU remember ME? The evermore…

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