Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wonders - part 2

The first set of Wonders needed a continuation or, better said, the sequel showed itself to my doorstep :)
And as a dear friend of mine says, and I agree:
"I dig signs as I believe everything happens for a reason. But sometimes there are signs that could be interpreted in 2 different ways:
- something that I should not try again
- something that is just an obstacle and I should try harder.
Which one is which? :D"

I've thought and thought and didn't come to any conclusion finally. So I decided not to think of it anymore and see if the sign shows itself again. If it does then I'll consider it as an obstacle that I'm meant to pass. If not then I'll just see it as a stop sign.
In both cases I shall move on. Life is so good especially when you live every bit of it and when you have such beautiful souls around you for friends :)

These being said, I wish y'all g'd night! :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wonders :P

From the series "Note to self"
When you feel like doing something, you have strongly thought about it and the feeling remains the same, and the opportunity shows up at your doorstep, don't slam the door on it! Go ahead and do what you feel! OR, if you already slammed the door then at least stop thinking about what you felt like doing, about the opportunity that you missed out on, that You actually said No to.
Otherwise... enjoy life! It is beautiful ;-)

LE: Felt like making an addition...
If you denied yourself that opportunity stop thinking about it. Why?! Easy: if it is meant to be it will be. If it didn't yet take place then maybe the moment wasn't quite (the) right (one) :D
Have a good one ;-)

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Am fost de curand la un workshop in cadrul caruia am fost parte dintr-un exercitiu de imaginatie foarte interesant. Subiectul acestuia era sa ma imaginez a fi un cub in desert... Ce-a iesit vedeti mai jos :)

Intre dunele aurii si neregulate ale desertului, stralucesc in lumina soarelui muchiile unui cub.
A aparut din senin, ca de nicaieri, dar s-a format in timp, foarte mult timp, in mii si mii de ani, datorita frigului noptii si caldurii zilei, prin lipirea si presarea si retopirea si-apoi comprimarea particulelor din firele de nisip ale dunelor.
A stat ascuns indelung iar acum, cand si-a vazut muchiile pe deplin trasate, si-a facut loc printre microparticule si-a iesit la suprafata sa vada Soarele.
E un cub galben cu tenta de bronz, nici mare, nici mic, si de n-ar fi in desert ar fi cel mai probabil un cub ca toate cuburile.
Realizeaza ca e singur, departe de celelalte cuburi, de ai sai, si totusi nu se simte singur. Ii este bine in imensitatea desertului si sub razele luminoase, chiar daca uneori arzatoare, ale Soarelui, caci il fac si pe el sa straluceasca.
E liniste in jurul lui si poate gandi mai bine si e vesel si rade cand nisipul ii gadila fatetele.