Thursday, October 4, 2018


Someone asked me once if I felt at Home - right there, where I was at the time.
I didn't get to answer him. But, after some time, I answered myself - I wasn't. And it saddened me.
Ever since, every now and then, I do an internal check - I ask myself that question again and wait for my internal compass to answer. :)

So what is Home?
Is it a place?
Is it the people in that place?
Is it the weather?
Is it the neighbours?
Is it the laws?
Is it as close as possible to your place of birth?

I donno what it is for you but for me... well, for me it's this tiny little and very selective place inside of me where Love and Joy are always present just because, where the warmth of the Sun and the freshness of the Rain are always felt. It's this tiny place in my inner being where I'm worthy and loved without conditions, where I'm at peace, I'm joyful and innocent as a child, where I can play with dreams and weave them at ease.

And I'm Home now :)

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